Friday, March 28, 2008

kids learn more when parents talk less

Early morning on my walk around mango trees, i picked up excitedly tiny little raw mangoes. I wld go home and show veer ....this is the first time ever he wld see a raw and tiny mango. As i hurried home a thought occurred, as a child my father wld bring home varied things from nature but never show it to me.....he just left them around. When i wld wake up, and find something new on the table around...i wld be amazed, wonderstruck, inquisitive and filled with lots of feelings. .....I REALISED....if I showed the tiny mangoes to veer, i wld leave him poorer in learning and emotional i just left the tiny mangoes around on the table.

Monday, March 24, 2008

lesson 1: Unschooling withing homeschooling!

Thanks to so many of u at Alt-ed, India! The group is fathoming newer - deeper depts and yet supporting and nurturing amature like me to swim ashore the beach of homeschooling!

Words that made my day today:

"Every stage in a child's life is there for a purpose. If we can respect and respond to her needs fully during each stage of her life, she can be done with that stage and move on." —Naomi Aldort

some links that will be treasured by me: THANK U TO ALL AT yahoogroup/ alt-ed-india

Krishnamurti talking with children in 1984:- Utube video:-


Natural child:

Veer's inspiring words!

Since last 3 mths veer's been going thru and Overall Growth Program, conducted by a local group called ISP. Undeniably they are doing a good work, but Veer is happy@home. I have been truly pushing him to attend the program!

Late evening today as I returned home, he was playing with his grandpa and grandma complained about his tantrum on not wanting to go to OGP, as I confronted him on it? He promptly replied, "I'll go tmrw happily!"......the prompt reply was to win his mother to his side, i cajoled him and hugged him tight....and let him win!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Discovery towards Art!

Every Apartments wld have a glass table, this table can be transformed into art board, every time i use sponge and soapwater to clean it....veer's enjoys scrubbing the glass and then tracing design on it and alphabets too!

DVD-Laptop time

Veer and I have a great time when he sits with his DVD video, at the same time i sit with my Laptop, its a scene to watch, i get my free time to work and publish post. While he will watch his Hindi/ English Song DVD's....i manage to get almost an hour to work for myself. But over and above....its great to watch him understand how to load the 14th video in the collection, swap DVD's and see his logical connections grw leaps and bound

Friday, March 21, 2008

WOW, I am happy

I am so driven by my child, now that i am homeschooling him is a personal breakthrough in itself. Been a Techsavy teacher for a long time now...but never started blogging, and lo...i've finally created one and cant stop posting my thoughts, ha ha! . Just not that, i hesitated to comment on blogs and now i am commenting allover. WOW, I am happy with so many more feathers to my cap.

week 1 with homeschooling

wld like to share my experience of my first week in homeschooling.

I just cant stop feeling good about the stand....i told so many friend about it....and i got a thumbs up by most of them.

For Veer
made a book on bats in a ppt format. ( after our evening expierence with the flying mammal in the garden)
Introduced him to Domino a number game....he's a pro in a week.
He's tasted all the possible Vegetables and happily relished them....three cheers to homeschooling.
He's bathing, eating, drinking on his own.
He helps me dust and wash at home.....his favourite of all.
I have been interacting with him intentionally in 4 languages. to my surprise he replies to all the four.....willl work on this more next week.
Singing hindi bollywood songs ....lakadi ki kathi, mummy ko pappa se - papa ko mummy se.... etc.
Plenty of Activities on books bought for him from the market.
Spotting birds around our homes....Eurasian Golden Orioles, Oriental Magpie Robin, Blue rock pigeon, House sparrow, Jungle crow, Coppersmith barbet....want to pass my hobbies to him.



3 yrs ago, i gave birth to a darling baby boy....and i wanted to homeschool him. I dint have the courage to tell my hubby about it...or somewhere i was unsure about it.

Last year i send him to school and felt guilty, i am a teacher for almost a decade now, i know the pros and cons of conventional schooling, have been reading so much on the net about homeschooling....yet, yet what was missing i dint knw. COURAGE I guess!

Veer, my son, is happy being at home, i remind him of his friends at the school and keep asking him if he want to go to school or be homeschooled with mummy....not once has he said i want to go to school.

Being a working mother is a challenge, but the advantage is i am a computer teacher, making books, downlading data, reading refrences posted by the group is a daily far its been good.

But i am sure that there will be challenges henceforth....for which i have this BLOG to fall back on.

I plan to just flow with Veers mind for a year fixed curriculum! I have trained him to tell me puzzle time, coloring time, scribbling time, ball time, reading time, domino time, tv time, garden time, sandplay time, waterplay time and so on....the list is growing bigger by the day... phew! I am keeping my cool! But i am happy about it.

but there is one thing that i am pushing with noconsent of his is FREEPLAY time, that is my time to work and he is on his my school or at my home....whatever, but he cannot disturb me! IS IT OKAY!....PLS COMMENT